Thursday, August 23, 2012

The wonderful traveling exhibit ¡Carnaval! came down at the Spurlock Museum on August 12, and we are frantically working to install our fall exhibit, A World of Shoes, in time for the September 4th opening. As both exhibit coordinator and curator, I have been able to concentrate time on one of my favorite things: researching artifacts. Often people ask me what my favorite artifact is in the Museum.  My answer is always "The one I'm working with or researching right now." I've learned so many new things about shoes over the past year; some are details about shoes we've had in the collections for years. In some cases what I've learned will mean changing information in our database, as some of the shoes have been improperly identified. This is always a challenge for museums. It's one of the reasons we love doing exhibits that use artifacts we have in storage. We get to look at them closely, sometimes for the first time since acquiring them, and get excited about them all over again. I love my job!

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